Notice of Annual General Meeting – Saturday 29th June 2024



Dear Members, Member Companies and Friends,

Please find enclosed the notice of our MTGV Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday 29th June 2024, 2:00pm.

Join us for the annual general meeting hosted by OSMaD.


  • Location: Scotch College – Boatshed
  • Address: 1 Morrison Street, Hawthorn, VIC 3122
  • Note: The Boatshed is the building at the very end of Morrison Street.


Please RSVP with the button below.


Join the conversation…

Become a Member

All executive and committee positions will be declared vacant, so you are encouraged to consider to submit a nomination form(s) at least 7 days prior to the scheduled AGM.

The following special resolution will be proposed at the AGM:

That the Association’s Rules be amended by replacing the existing Rules with the proposed replacement Rules made available for review and consideration by the members at the following link –

MTGV Proposed Amended Rules

Summary of Proposed New Rules

Changing the MTGV Rules requires a special resolution which requires the support of at least 75% of the members voting at the AGM. We will circulate some further explanatory information about the proposed new Rules prior to the meeting.

Your attendance at the AGM is both welcomed and encouraged.

You can view the Agenda and supporting documentation using the links below.
Agenda & details
2023 AGM Minutes
Proxy Form
Committee Nomination Form 

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me prior.

See you then!
Best regards,

Mark Spencer

m: 0422 57 00 57
e: [email protected]