Absolutely free of charge to any MTGV members, we’re kicking off our series of members’ forums with an area that you’ve told us can often be challenging for committees, especially as we all run on volunteer effort and want to ensure that we’re doing the right thing for our companies and members.
We’re incredibly lucky to have the talents of Peter Newling on board to facilitate a session on Governance for us – not only is Peter the Manager of Public Policy at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, but he’s worked in the theatre community as a performer and director for many years, and so is familiar with the particular challenges our community faces.
If you’re on the committee of management for your theatre company this is a session not to be missed! And just to make it extra convenient for you, we’ve scheduled it in the morning before the AGM so you can knock it all over in one day! (we’ll even throw in some lunch for you if you’re coming to both)
Forum: Governance for Theatre Committees
Date: Saturday 28th March
Time: 10am – 12pm
Venue: Beaumaris Theatre Inc, 82, Wells Rd, Beaumaris
Cost: Free for current MTGV members
Facilitator: Peter Newling (Maurice Blackburn Lawyers)
RSVP: Please click here to register your attendance