At the end of 2019, the MTGV work through an extensive recruitment process for Open and Junior Judging panels for 2020, as well as those judges that form the relief pool. Judges were appointed based not only on their own individual skills, experiences and qualifications, but how they mapped against others on the panel.
Please join us in congratulating our panels for the 2020 season;
Open Panel
Chris Anderson
Elise Dahl
Elly Foster
Ian Nisbet
Trevor Osburn
Nicole Lylak
Junior Panel
Damian Bernardo
Bryce Dunn
Ann Hubbard
Caroline Leavey
Liam McWhinney
Dayna Tinline
Relief Judges
Natalie Calia
Elyse Carmichael
David Crawshaw
Christine Duff
Mel Gregory
Deana Jacobs
Kathy Lang
Peter Maver
Amanda Stephenson
Sandy Wills
Liz Zito